Beautiful as it may be, affordable like no other country in Europe, safe and peaceful, Bulgaria cannot compete in the tourist industry with countries like Cyprus, Greece, Egypt and North Africa.
Tourism has and will carry on developing in Bulgaria, but it will never become a prime earner for the very simple reason that the tourist season is too short and the market segments, which are attracted to the country are low budget and inconsistent.
On the contrary, Bulgaria has everything that anybody planning or entering retirement can wish for. It can also offer great alternatives to young men and women, even couples, who are finding it extremely difficult to achieve and maintain a good standard of living in their own country!
We are fully aware that we have ahead of us a lot of hard work, as our plans are both big and ambitious and the world market is in the middle of a severe recession, the end of which nobody can predict. A lot of people will at first instance, comment that this is the worse time for a business like ours to plan new projects, especially for building new town quarters, when gradually people will find it more and more difficult to live, let alone buy holiday or retirement homes abroad!
It may sound strange, but as a Group, we have been waiting for this crisis and while expecting it, we were preparing the ground and our plans! Since its establishment 15 years ago, Eurolink Investment Group has never had any plans or ambitions to enter the holiday home business or to apply the ‘hit and run’ policy that most of our competitors have been using in recent years. We are among the very few businesses in Bulgaria, which know the country well and study its potentials in great depth!
To name a few of these alternatives/advantages:
• Cost of living is 3 times cheaper than the average of the rest of the European Union and 4 times compared to that in the United Kingdom.
• Besides its problems with corruption, Bulgaria is today one of the safest places to live not only in Europe, but in the world.
• Peaceful and free of stress living oppose to that of the rest of Europe.
• Extremely low cost of housing considering that prices for new homes start as low as €75.000 for a freehold compared to €275.000 leasehold in the UK, Germany and France.
• Unspoiled nature extending for thousands of square kilometres and easy and free access to it.
• Friendly, cultured and highly educated people, free of xenophobia and prejudice.
• Fresh and mostly ecologically clean food at very reasonable prices.
• Very low taxation, both for legal entities and individuals.
• Inexpensive and quality private and public medical care.
• Bulgaria’s membership to the EU enables citizens from other EU countries to settle freely, without any hassle, enjoy the same public services as in their own country.
• Non-EU citizens, meeting some basic requirements, can apply for residence permit and after a period of five years they can apply for a Bulgarian citizenship.