The last thing somebody may expect to find in the outskirts of a city like Varna is an Alpine landscape! It does not stop here. This landscape is complemented with a nature reserve and a beautiful lake, while the pastures around it, are the grazing ground for hundreds of cattle and horses. Lakeside Views are located right on the top and the side of the hill overlooking the Sea Lake of Varna.
The sight of a ship sailing through the green sea of fields and pastures is an unforgettable and rare experience! We chose this location for the construction of a multi-language private 12 class school in close co-operation with one of the most renowned private educational institutions in the world. Quality living and luxury residential quarters should have the corresponding schooling as well.
Attached to the school we will have a professional Tennis Academy built. It will teach this eugenic sport to young future tennis stars from all over Europe and the Balkans. A good part of the available land will be set aside for residential and light commercial purposes. Though most of the plots are either sold or they will be used for the construction of the above projects, we still have some prime plots available for sale to individual and corporate investors. It is needless to say that time will show such an investment has been a most wise placement of somebody’s funds.