People have got used to celebrating Christmas as a holiday which involves mainly over eating and over drinking. All these years that I have been abroad, in the civilized Europe, I always brought back in my mind, My Christmas, as a child and as a teenager! They were different, they were celebrated as they should be, giving and sharing, showing and receiving love for those who need it most, the children. I remember my mother returning back from the Village Oven, with the freshly baked bread and the special Christmas sweets loaded with sesame and smelling this wonderful smell…..and from everywhere we passed on the way home, she will stop and hand some of her great cookies to those we met on the way.
This year I felt the urge and the need to re-live this fantastic feeling of Christmas and I shared my wish with my associates and staff! They were exited and overwhelmed with the idea of sharing our party with deprived children and our own kids who attend the party every year. Thanks to Lili Gospodinova, Silvia Alexandrova – Serban, Ivelina Nikolova, Toni, Mimi, Alena, Miro, Sasho, Mariana, Jhivko and all the others!, We had the most wonderful Christmas party ever. As for me. I once again felt the love and joy of Christmas after all these years! Happy Christmas everybody and a Wonderful, peaceful and prosperous New Year.
Chris Violaris Varna 20.12,2014
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….and suddenly the Board Room was full of happy shinning young faces, sitting around the tables full of goodies, teasing each other, laughing, making friends, being happy…singing and shouting…